Thursday, March 29, 2012

FILM REVIEW: This Means War

5 out of 10

Kirk and ... which one is he?...
20 minutes in and I wanted out. The film was killing itself. It was slow, forced, just plain painful. It didn't seem to have any redeeming features for it at all despite a cast of actors of previous merit. Tom Hardy, Captain Kirk, even Reese has had her moments. It was like it was trying too hard, with too few ideas.

Slumped in my chair I was preparing myself for the long haul. Then I chuckled, and chuckled some more. These chuckles actually turned into continuous patterns of laughter. I wouldn't rate them as quality laughs, but they were still laughs. The film had at this point become a deliberate series of pranks, no more, no less, but pranks are at their basic level, fundamentally funny.

The starring trio started to come too the party as the film progressed. Their charm and banter acted as a just enough glue to keep it together. The problem with it however, having aimed so low to start with, it never gave itself the chance to reach any heights.

Did I think it was a complete waste of time? I'd have to say no. Would I ever watch it again? I'd have to say no again.